When you need to de-stress, look no further than the videos right here...

Building Healthy Habits (5)

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Get your dose of self-care

Each week we release an insightful Golden nugget, a wellness tip based on current research and trends. While some of these tips come in the form of a one-pager, others are best digested as a video. Check out the clips below and get your weekly dose of self-care.

Experiment with these 5-minute practices

We don't always have a full houror half an hourfor a wellness routine. Fortunately, research shows that just a few minutes of practice can bring you a bundle of benefits.

Golden created these videos to help you stretch, center yourself, and re-energize when you don't have time to leave your desk.

Try out these breathing techniques

Did you know that breathing can be a bridge to balance, clarity, relaxation and contentment? The exercises below teach you a powerful, drug-free way to self-regulate.  

We prepared these short tutorials to show you how to use breathwork to recalibrate your thoughts and feelings in just a few minutes.

Additional Resources


Bite-sized tips you can implement right now


The latest evidence-based research summarized for you


Worksheets that turn self-care priorities and plans into action


A series of guided walks and wellness talks